Your banking information can be used for such things as Direct Deposit or Pre-Authorized payments. Learn where to find these helpful details and print off a Void Cheque following some quick and easy steps.
1. Log in to online banking and select an account.
2. Once you've selected the account, click "Account Details".
1. Log in and tap "Accounts".
2. Select an account.
3. Tap "Account Details
1. Log in to online banking and select the account you want your direct deposit or pre-authorized payments to go through
2. Once you've selected the account, click the link that says "Direct Deposit and Pre-Authorized (PAD) Form" and download the void cheque form.
The numbers on the bottom of your cheque are separated into four sets of numbers. The first set is your cheque number, the second set is your branch/ transit number, the third set is your institution number, and the fourth set is your account number.
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